Learn how to permanently hide WhatsApp chats from your chat list, so they won't be visible anymore.
- Archive chats: You can archive chats to hide them from your chat list. Archived chats will still be available in the Archived Chats section, but they will not be visible in the main chat list. To archive a chat, long-press on the chat and select Archive.
- Delete chats: You can also delete chats to permanently remove them from your WhatsApp account. Deleted chats will not be available in the Archived Chats section or anywhere else on WhatsApp. To delete a chat, long-press on the chat and select Delete.
It is important to note that deleting chats will not delete the messages from the other person's chat history.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
- Archived chats can be unarchived by going to Chats > Archived Chats and tapping on the chat.
- Deleted chats cannot be restored.
I hope this helps!