How To

How to Send Your Message with a Silenced Notification for Telegram

How to Send Your Message with a Silenced Notification for Telegram

Telegram is a popular messaging app that offers a variety of features, including the ability to send messages with silenced notifications. This can be useful if you want to send a message to someone without them being alerted to it immediately.
Send without sound press and hold the send button in any chat to send your message with a silenced notification. You can also use this menu to schedule a message, delivering it at a specific time.

To send a message with a silenced notification on Telegram, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Telegram app.
  2. Go to the chat where you want to send the message.
  3. Tap and hold on the message field.
  4. A small menu will appear.
  5. Tap on "Send Without Sound."

The message will be sent without a notification. The recipient will only see the message when they open the chat.

You can also use the following keyboard shortcut to send a message with a silenced notification on Telegram:

  • Ctrl+Shift+N on Windows and Linux
  • Command+Shift+N on macOS