Telegram has recently added a new feature called Message Translation. This feature allows users to translate messages from one language to another. Message translation is a great way to communicate with people who speak different languages.
+ Message Translation. In Settings > Language you can add a dedicated Translate button to the context menu when selecting a message.
+ You can also exclude languages that you speak fluently, which will hide the translation button for those messages.
+ Translation is available on all Android devices that support Telegram, but requires iOS 15 or higher on Apple devices.
To translate a message, simply long-press on the message and select "Translate." Telegram will then display a list of languages to choose from. Select the language you want to translate the message to, and Telegram will translate the message and display it below the original message.
Message translation is available in all Telegram apps, including the desktop app, the web app, and the mobile apps. Message translation is also available in all Telegram channels and groups.
Message translation is a great way to communicate with people who speak different languages. It is a quick and easy way to translate messages, and it is available in all Telegram apps.
Here are some additional tips for using message translation in Telegram:
- You can translate messages from any language to any language.
- You can translate messages in channels and groups.
- You can translate messages from the desktop app, the web app, and the mobile apps.
- Message translation is a great way to communicate with people who speak different languages.